Thursday, October 30, 2008

High School Girls Registration

As your High School season is winding down, we at the Haldimand Huskies are swinging into high gear. All of our leagues are up and running with the exception of the High School Girls.

Our High School Girls program begins on Wednesday, January 7, 2009, from 8:00-9:00 pm. Registration fees are $50 for our 10 week season. Included in this price is a blue and white reversible Huskies jersey. A new addition to the coordinating staff this year is Coach Tammy Harley. Many of you may know Coach Tammy as the McKinnon Park Junior Girls basketball coach. She will be a driving force in our program this year.

Any interest athletes are asked to please contact Vicki Holdsworth @ 905 765 3432, by email, for registration details, or drop by the gym Monday's, 7-8:30 pm, Wednesday's, 8-10 pm or Saturday's, 9:30-11:45 am, as I will be available on those days to register athletes.

See you on the hardwood girls.

Coach Vicki

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